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Men can ejaculate longer with drinking alcohol

It's a lot happening today among adult men in general, alcoholism or alcohol were actually banned weight because it is very dangerous to health, it was a lot of mis-use of water as pelembar pelinglung sense that all the sadness and fatigue because of too many issues or matters work. In fact this was also related to the annunciator is not good, because drinking alcohol before sex was allegedly able to ejaculate longer than usual. But is it true that men can ejaculate longer with drinking alcohol? seems the assumption was wrong. By drinking alcohol, said an expert doctor even makes a man an erection difficult and can even cause infertility. I quote one talks to experts who explain that drink alcohol even dangerous for male sexual activity.

Dr. Eugene Schoenfeld said, drinking habits beralkhohol cause liver produces a large number of enzymes that can destroy the testosterone, the hormone generating libido in men. A research by universities in California showed that most men can not be erection after drinking alcohol three times each dose is 1 ounce. Because alcohol reduces testosterone production, heavy drinking can cause permanent impotence, infertility in men and even a tendency.

However, some people with strong personal character can still erect though drunk heavily. Expert sexual research, Dr. CW Sheppard and Dr. GR Gay concludes, taking into account the existence of doubt in the benefits from the use of excessive, does not make sense to use a stimulant from ingredients that contain alcohol.
Well that was one of the public the wrong assumption that ejaculation longer with drinking alcohol is wrong. If my suggestion, to ejaculate and reach a sexual climax, do it in a normal and natural, do not use drugs made from chemicals. Because it can even interfere with your health;).

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