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BOOK: Impossible CHRISTIAN Can Answer

BMW Car prizes 
Christian Impossible Can Answer 
By                  : H. Insan LS Mokoginta 
Editor                : Drs. H Afdhil Salim MSc. 
Settings              : Nabila Fikria 
Cover Design   : Izhar al-Haq 
Tefbitan 1          : November 2005 
Publisher            : Yavasan Birrul Walidain Cimanggis Depok 
TLP. 021-70984849 - 0815 8787 627 
Account Bank Mandiri Jakarta-Cimanggis 
a / n lnsan LS Mokoginta QQ Foundation 

Jesus is a prophet sent by God to rescue Israel from the abyss of destruction. He always uphold the law of Moses and never merobahnya bit. 
But then the teachings of Jesus who always practice the teachings of the prophet Moses, was mixed-mixed with the teachings and dogma of pagan (heathen religion) which is contrary to the ancient religion brought by Prophet Tawhid Adam, Abraham (Ibrahim), Moses and Jesus (Jesus) . 
Lots of Christian dogma is not based on scripture. Although the Christian founders created the false verses to support the dogma that the world can not be lied to again. Delivered dogma lie: the Resurrection of Jesus, Christmas Celebration, halal pork etc.. 
H. Insan LS Mokoginta filed 11 (eleven questions) related to Christian teachings with the prize of Rp. 10,000,000 .- Even for questions about the Resurrection of Jesus in Luke. 24:44-46.author provides BMW car prize for who can answer it. 

Drs.H. Zahir Khan SH. Dipl. TEFL 
General Chairman of Indonesian Institute of Christology 
Director Iqbal Academy Indonesia 
Former Indonesian Diplomat 

For the umpteenth time I am grateful for the presence of Allah Most High. because only in the past few months, I've given a speech written for my brother Insan LS Mokoginta to six times. I salute him who is so active and continue to be creative, but to my knowledge, he is someone so many busy and he is also a Christian convert a former Catholic. 
The title of this book is very challenging for anyone who read it, not because of the tempting prize, but the material is quite interesting, make people curious to know more on how to find the answer. 
Judging from the material, I believe this book is not to discredit other religions, but just food for thought for Christians for. Want to criticize his teachings, whether their deeds are in accordance bible or not. 
I believe that if all Christians would criticize the writings of the few Muslim Kristolog, it is not likely to happen change attitudes toward what they believe in all this, let alone the author is a former Christian who studied and criticized special Bible content that formerly he was pious. 
If Christians really believe in the word of God and the sayings of Jesus are written in the Bible, I am sure will very thin difference between the teachings of Prophet Jesus in the Bible and the teachings of the Prophet Muhammad. If it turns out from all the questions with prizes of 10 million every question, no answer, it shows that most of the deeds committed by our brethren who are Christian, are human teachings or religious leaders, not by the word of God in the Bible. Worse yet, if we look at Europe, it turns out most of the Christians had left their church with Bible no longer sure who was in it much that is not rational. There are even some churches that are sold because there are no inhabitants. 
Christians in the country if we feel taboo to criticize the Bible (Bible), though damned if you dissect the content of scripture, because it is considered there can be no wrong Leaves.Whereas in Western countries such as Europe and America, instead they deliberately held a seminar to discuss the contents of the Bible contents page. The Five Gospels is one book that never seminar by 76 experts from various renowned universities from around the world.The purpose of the seminar is "To Search for The Autentic Words of Jesus" and "What did Jesus Really Say?" Participants nothing of Islam, none came from Indonesia . The results were surprising, conclusions: 
"Eighty two percent of the words aseribed to Jesus in the Gospels were the resource persons Actually not spoken by uterus." 
(Eighty-two percent of the words ascribed to Jesus in the Gospels, it is not actually spoken by Jesus) 
Well if 82% of the Gospel sayings of Jesus they will not, that means only 18% have the entire contents of which are considered gospel sayings of Jesus. 
As a former diplomat, I often traveled the world, so I know a lot about the development of Christianity there, let alone I am also a Kristolog, of course I have tremendous experience and evidence as well as books on Christianity in English and others. 
Say a certain book written by my friend Insan LS Mokoginta, very good read by anyone, especially our brothers and sisters are Christians as food for thought and reflection. Especially the da `i, this book is very well used as a discussion or dialogue with the missionaries, pastors or evangelists wherever they met. 
As Chairman of the Institute of Christology Indonesia I support the publication of this book because it has massive benefits for the development of Islamic preaching and provide insight and knowledge to the followers of other religions, especially our brothers the Christians. 

Greeting KH Abdullah Wasi'an 
Expert Christology Indonesia 

Alhamdulillah I am very grateful to Allah SWT. at the age of 89, I was requested to deliver a speech on the book written by my friend, former Christian convert Catholics, brother Insan Mokoginta LS. 
In the Koran Letter 5 Al Maa-Idah 63, Allah SWT. said: 
Lau laa yanhaahumur rabbaaniyyuuna ahbaaru wal wa `an qaulihimul itsma aklihimus suhta He` sa bi maa kaanuu yashna'uun. 
"Why religious people and their pastors do not forbid them to say words of sin (lying) and devouring anything forbidden? It's very bad what they are doing." 
Does not justify the unlawful ban and let his people do a worship to God with no arguments or His commandments, is a sin, especially when in the set aside by the pastor. Now it often happens in the body of Christians, where many of the priests, who just because it is not given the post or not given the opportunity to lead his congregation, or some are due to different opinions, and some of his followers influenced later they built a new church building with a new name . So do not be surprised if the Christian body itself is actually happening a lot split.The split like that that often make the difference beribadahnya ordinances, and also a different understanding. If all Christians only make scripture as a guide in conducting worship, prayer and understanding the possibility of them are quite similar. The occurrence of understanding between each other, actually because most of the sources according to their religious leaders. So do not be surprised if a lot of worship of Christians who do not argue from the Bible. 
This book is very helpful for anyone who wants to search for ultimate truth, especially for our brothers of Christians. 
Proselytizing Muslims to Christianity as practiced by the author of this book, it is not intended to vilify or discredit them, but solely as straightening their misunderstanding of worship that had been basically they believe that most no longer follow what Allah and Jesus taught and demonstrated. 
Perhaps without realizing it by Christians that the author of this book is actually meant well, that is for Christians to return to the true word of God and the teachings of Jesus are true, so that the distance between Islam and Christianity are getting close. 
This book is very well read by anyone, especially for Christians, as food for thought and reflection, because menurul Jesus, who entered heaven to those who do the will of God (Matt. 7:21), not according to the will of Reverend! 
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Insan LS Mokoginta 

Thank God for grace and guidance of Allah, at last our book that the 14th can we accomplish in one Sunday. Blessings and greetings hopefully devoted to the lord and our example, the king Prophet Muhammad PBUH. Seal of the Prophets. 
There may be some of our suadarasaudara Christians assume that a book or something like that we made ​​this as an insult or discredit their religion. When in fact not the case. In fact, the opposite of what we want for them are on the right path, that path leads to the truth of God's salvation, for we are both survivors of the world and the hereafter. 
There some Christians who think that the Torah, the Psalms (Psalms) and the Gospel is the book they have, so Muslims should not participate interfere. Whereas the Torah, the Psalms (Psalms) and the Gospel is also the book that many disebutsebutkan by the Qur'an to be the pious by every Muslim. 
Even one of the Five Pillars of Faith is required in the pious by every Muslim, is faithful to the books that God revealed before, as his word in Qs 3 Aali Imraan 3 as follows: 
Nazzala `alaikal kitaaba Haqqi mushaddiqal bil li wa maa baina yadaihi anzalat tauraata wal injiil. 
"He lowered the Book (Koran) to thee (Muhammad) with truth, to justify the book revealed before, and down the Torah and the Gospel." 
From these verses we can see that the book of the Koran which was revealed to prophet Muhammad, confirming the Torah and the Gospel as the book revealed. This means that kitabkitab is also owned by Muslims who need to be pious. 
Therefore, if we Muslims come to learn and explore and correct to the content of these kitabkitab, is very reasonable, because no one dalilpun in the Bible that says that these books belong only to Christians. 
Straighten what has dirobahrobah by the hands of ignorant people on the Book of Allah, is the duty of every Muslim, with the aim that humans are not lost faith in the book which is mixed between the rights and false. God has sent reminder, we have to disclose. 
"O People of the Book, why do you confuse the true mix of vanity and why do you hide the truth, whereas you know it." (Surat Aali `Imraan 3 71) 
In another verse Allah. said to be submitted to the People of the Book to return to the teachings of Tawheed, the worship was to God that God, not to Jesus, not to the priest, not to the other. 
"Say," O People of the Book, let us to the sentence (the actual) is the same between us and you (are) that we worship none but Allah, and we do not associate him with any whatsoever.And not (also) some of us take others as God but from God. " So if they turn away, say, ° Bear witness that we are indeed Muslim. "(Surat Aali` Imraan 3 64) 
From these two Qur'anic verses, the essence we Muslims are ordered by Allah SWT. to submit or preached to the People of the Book (Jews and Christians) that they do not interfere in the right and falsehood, and do not hide the truth. Say true if it is true, and false if it's wrong!And God also commanded to convey to them for return to the teachings of Tawheed, do not worship to other than Allah, do not make other gods besides Him, and do not mempersekutukanNya with others. 
Practice the teachings of the man and left the teachings of God and Jesus, the same thing other than God made ​​TuhanTuhan 
Well this is perhaps to be delivered and in remind our brothers that they want to criticize Christians for what they have received so far has been based on the Bible or not. 
Hopefully this book will bring benefits to the study and mengkritisinya and hopefully Allah. Will provide guidance streets His true. Amiin. 
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First Question 
Where is the recognition of Jesus in the Bible that he Christian? 
All followers of Jesus must recognize that they are Christian. But if any of them could give evidence or to show the verses written in the Bible that Jesus was a Christian? 
Such questions seem trivial or playful, but we were really serious and will keep his word when there is among Christians or of any religion that can provide evidence of the verses written in the Bible about Jesus' confession that he was a Christian. 
If Jesus was not Christian, then what is the name of Jesus the true religion? Anyone who can show proof or show the verses that really is written in the Bible (Bible), the recognition of Jesus that he is a Christian, then we provide a prize of Rp. 10,000,000 .- (ten million) each question. 
Banvak Christians do not know that the real Jesus was not a Christian and religious calling it `Christian 'is not Jesus, but Barnabas and Paul (Saul) in Antioch. Note the Bible verses below:
"When Barnabas came and saw the grace of God, he was glad. He advised them, that they all remain faithful to the Lord for he was a good man, full of the Holy Spirit and faith. Some people were taken to the Lord. Then Barnabas went to Tarsus to seek Sauius; and after meeting with him, he brought him to Antioch. They live together with the church one year, and taught many people. 
Antioch was the disciples were first called Christians. " 
(Acts 11:23-26) 
The above paragraph proves that the religious calling it "Christian" is not Jesus. But Barnabas and Paul. 
All his life he never knew if he brought named Christian religion, because the name 'Christian' that emerged long after Jesus died. The question arises, if so when Jesus died and when religion is now where the Kfisten dibawanva? According to the data we read in some books written by Christians, among them in the book "Religions on File" Jesus was born around 4 BC (BC) and died around the year 29 AD (CE). While Paul and Barnabas gave the name "Christian" against their religion form, which is about the year 42 AD This means about 13 years (42-29 = 13) after Jesus died, emerging Christianity formation Barnabas and Paul. 
In Islam's holy book the Koran is A1, not found a word "Christian", which is the word "Nashara" because he comes from city Nazareth . And followers of the teachings of Jesus called "Christians" are not Christians. Even in the Bible itself, the word "Christian" is mentioned only at most 6 (six) times, namely in Acts 11:26, Acts 26:28, Romans 16:7, 1 Cor 9:5, 2 Cor 12:2 and 1 Peter 4:16) 
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Second Question 

Where the teachings of Jesus when he was 13 to 29 years? 

Not all people Kristini determines the: that the story or the story of Jesus in the Bible there is much missing the missing fact, not tanggungtanggung, ie over half the age of Jesus himself. 
Almost certainly, most Christians believe and believe that Jesus died at the age of about 33 (three pulultiga) years. While in Alkitat (Bible), which is written only the story of Jesus from his birth until the age of 12 (twelve) years, then disappeared when he was 13 (three years belasj sampa: with 29 (twenty nine) years and then appear again at age 30 ( thirty) years, and died at the age of 33 (thirty three) years. 
Loss of the story of Jesus when he was 13 s / d 29 years, mean for 17 (seventeen) years of the Jesus story does not exist or is lost and not recorded in the Bible. 
If Jesus died at the age of 33 years, while the story is missing for 17 years, meaning that enter into the Bible is the story of Jesus for 16 years. Jesus is believed by Christians as the "Word of the Living". Then there is a majority or more than half of its age there are "Lost Word." Just imagine, 17 years is over half the age of Jesus, lost or not recorded in the Gospels. And at age 13 to 29 years is the age of Jesus when adolescents toward adulthood, which are certainly a lot of things or events that are more useful and larger he might do, but not recorded in the Bible. So it seems reasonable so that the Gospel is said to be complete or perfect, because many of the parts or other sides that Jesus ever did or do, but not noted by the authors Injl, because the story has lost track or completely lost. Suppose if the disciples of Jesus that 12 people had always followed the preaching of Jesus anywhere, of course what he did or sabdakan for 17 years, they wrote in his Gospel is not it?? 

The question arises: 

Is that what Jesus did during the age of 13 to 29 years? 
1. Receive and write the revelation of God (where and what sounds revelation?) 
2. Teaching and preaching everywhere (what he teaches) 
3. Wrote the Gospel which was spoken to him (Which Gospel? Kan there is no gospel of Jesus is not it?) 
4. Helping his mother Mary (cooking and washing? It is unlikely) 
5. Do not do anything, just waiting for the word (God koq idle, passive?) 
6. Married / married (possibly, but not recorded because of his story for 17 years lost) 
7. Helping his father Joseph as a carpenter (God be carpenter?) 
8. Just idle, eating, sleeping, not doing anything (God koq idle, not working?) 
9. Go wander (gone anywhere, and what it does?) 
10. Returning to his Father for 17 years and then down again to earth (where 'the evidence?) 

The evidence of Jesus preaching at the age of 12 and 30 years: 

"When Jesus was twelve years old they went to Jerusalem as prevalent at the feast of it."(Luke 2:42) 
"When Jesus began his ministry, he was' about thirty years and according to the opinion of those, he is the son of Joseph, son of Eli ...." (Luke 3:23) 

Luke 2:42 above it tells the story of Jesus when he began preaching and following the study presented by the scholars in the Temple (Lk 2:46-49). Then he lost the story at all when she was 13 s / d 29 years, and only came back when he was 30 years, as recorded in the Gospel of Luke 3:23 above earlier. 
Luke 3:23 gives evidence of the appearance of Jesus at the age of 30 years, then he died at the age of about 33 years. 
Therefore, if there are Christians or anyone who can provide written evidence in the Bible (Bible) about the story of Jesus when he was about 13 to 29 years, when he enters adolescence to adulthood, we provide a large enough prize , some money in cash / cash of Rp. 10,000,000 .- (ten million) 
Maybe once a lot of our brethren who are Christians do not think the questions that seem trivial, but actually very meaningful to the faith and religious life, because it concerns the safety of the world and the hereafter. 
If we as a people are Muslims are very critical of the content of the Bible (Bible), it is perfectly natural, because the Koran a great deal of information about the existence of Jesus (Prophet Isa), the Torah, the Psalms and the Gospel, which is all that is part of faith us, even including one of the pillars of faith for every Muslim around the world. 
There should be more worthy of Christians who criticize the content of the book sucinva not? 
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Third Question 

Did Jesus Says: 
"I am God your Lord, so worship Me alone" 

The third question is very challenging for all parties, terutam: for Christians as almost all Christians, it seems no one does not worship Jesus as their savior and Tuhat. Ranging from small children, adults and parents, they taught that Jesus is the pseudo-ata Lord God Himself who must disembal And after we learned, review the da understood better, it turns out there is not one dalilpun in the Bible (Bible) itself Diman Jesus once said: that "I am God your Lord, therefore worship me." Nothing! Which is precisely Jesus says, "Worship the Lord your God and him only shalt thou serve. · 

Sayings or words of Jesus are to give a sense to us that Jesus was not God or Allah to be worshiped, because he was a prophet or apostle. 
For more details, let us refer to the story in the Bible is the Gospel of Matthew 4:8-10, when Jesus was tried by Satan as follows: 

"And the devil took him up again to a very high mountain and showed Him all the kingdoms of the world with glory, and told Him:" All that will give to You, if You fall down and worship me."Then Jesus said to him:" Get out, Satan! For it is written, Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God, and him only shalt thou serve "(Matthew 4:8-10) 
The verses are about the story of an experiment in field desert when Jesus will be tempted by the devil. Earlier Jesus told Satan tries to make the stones become bread, but failed, then a second experiment the devil told Jesus drop him from the pinnacle of the temple, but was unsuccessful. Finally he brought him a high mountain summit and offers to give to Jesus all the kingdoms of this world and the glory, if Jesus would worship him. 
In a third experiment that Jesus rebuked the devil is saying, "Go to hell, Satan: for it is written, Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God, and him only shalt thou serve!'' 

From the sayings of Jesus that we can understand: 

1. Satan knew that Jesus teaches Tauhid, which is to worship only Allah alone (laa ilaaha ilallaahu). 
2. Of course Jesus' command that Satan worship and serve it only to God alone, not the other, nor on himself. 
3. Satan knew that Jesus was not God, because if Jesus is God, of Jesus as the following words: "Depart, Satan: for it is written, Thou shalt worship I the Lord thy God, and only shalt thou serve me!" 
Jesus himself gave testimony that worship and serve it, only to God, not to himself, why would Jesus is taken as our brethren worshiped by Christians? 
In the holy book Koran Prophet Isa (Jesus) also teaches Tauhid, which is only to worship Allah alone, not to others, nor to himself. Note the words of Prophet Isa (Jesus) in the Koran: 
Innallaaha rabbii wa Huwa `buduuhu haadzaa rabbukumfa shiraathum mustaqiim 
"Surely God He is my Lord and your Lord, so worship Him, this is the right path." 
Even in the law of Moses, Deuteronomy 6:4, says that God is One: 

"Hear, O Israel : God is our God, the Lord is one! "
Based on the Torah, the Gospel and the Koran, God is worshiped the One God, not Jesus who is worshiped. Even Jesus himself commanded to worship only God that he worshiped. 
Therefore, for this third question, also provided the prize money. cash amounting to Rp.10,000,000 .- when finding verses in the Bible (Bible), in which Jesus tells his followers, "I am God, your Lord, therefore worship me alone." We do not believe anyone would find it. But if you find it, please contact us to take the prize of Rp 10,000,000. 
If not found it mean Jesus never taught to his people that he is God or God Himself, to be worshiped. 
Equate Jesus with God or Allah, is a sin, because both Jesus and God, do not teach like that.Even within the Bible itself, God forbid anyone who, equating him with another Notice Bible verse as follows: 

"To whom do you like me, want to compare and likens me, so that we together? (Isaiah 46: 5)
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Fourth Question 

Did Jesus Says: 
"I am who inspired the Bible, I also take care" 
All Christians believe that the Bible is 100% word of God. According to them, the biblical writers were all at. inspired by the Holy Spirit when they wrote the book. If indeed the Bible is really 100% the word of God. certainly in the Bible that there is a statement from God that He who inspired the Bible, and He is also a guard. Therefore it is very reasonable if there is a question where the arguments the word of God in the Bible that says "I am who inspired the Bible, and I'm also a guard." 
If such a question put to the Koran, the Koran could give testimony and could speak that he is really from God. But when the question was addressed to the Bible, then we provide a prize of Rp. 10,000,000 .- for one question. 
The Bible is among consists of the Torah, the Psalms and the Gospel, are the names of the many scriptures mentioned by the Koran. Even Muslims must mengimaninya because these books are the books that ever God sent down this world. Torah to Moses, the Psalms to Prophet David, and the Gospel to the Prophet Isa. Because the Koran much mention of these books, then we Muslims are also studied, whether the books in question A1 Qur `an it is like the one now in the hands of Christians. In the study it, we would find so many verses that clearly comes from the author of the book itself and others, like the example below: 
"Paul, a servant of Christ Jesus, called as an apostle and set apart for the gospel of God."(Romans 1:1) 
"Paul, an apostle, not by men, neither by man, but by Jesus Christ and AIIah, Father, who raised Him from the dead ,.... ( Galatians 1:1) 
"Noble Theophilus, Many people have tried to compile an account of the events the events that have been ....... (Luke 1:1) 
O Theophilus, in my first book I wrote a range of things to do and teach Jesus ,.... (Acts 1:1) 
"Greetings from James, a servant of God and the Lord Jesus Christ, to the twelve tribes in the overseas." (James 1:1) 
"From Peter, an apostle of Jesus Christ, to those immigrants, in all Pontus , Galatians , Cappadocia, Asia Small ....... "(1 Peter 1: 1)

"From the Mother of elected elders and children who truly loved me.'s Not just me who loves you, but also all those who have known the truth ....." (2 John 1:1)

"From Jude, a servant of Jesus Christ and brother of James, to them, who are called, beloved in God the Father ,....." (Jude 1:1)

Examples from all those Bible verses that clearly comes from the author of the book itself.Anyone who reads it, will say that it was writing sipenulisnya. Hence it is not wrong to say that the Bible is 100% book of the Divine, and 100% book because in it mixed Insani between the word of God and human writing etc.. And it is a proof that can not be refuted. In researching, learning and explore the content of the Bible, we did not find any clause that guarantees that the Bible is truly revealed by God and He is guarding him. Therefore, we provide a prize of Rp. 10,000,000. (Ten million rupiah) for anyone who can provide written evidence in the Bible when there is a verse that reads: "I am who inspired the Bible, and I'm also a guard."

Unlike the Koran, which can be testified and spoke of himself that he really came from God.Not just one paragraph, but there are so many verses of the Koran who testified that he came from God. Notice the verses as follows:

Alif Lam Raa tilka aavaatul kitaabil mubiin innaa anzalnaahu qur-aanan 'arabiyyal allakum la `ta` qiluun.

Alif Lam Raa. These are the verses of the Book (Qur'an) is real. Verily We have it down as an Arabic Koran that ye may understand.

Alif Lam Mim Raa `tilka aayaatul kitaabi wal ladzii unzila ilaika mir rabbikal haqqu walaakinna aktsaran naasi yu'minuun laa.

"Alif Lam Mim Raa. These are the verses of the Qur'an, and who was sent down to thee from thy Lord is true, but most people do not believe." (Qs 13 Ar Ra'du 1)

Alif Lam Raa `kitaabun anzalnaahu ilaika li tukhrijan naasa minazh zhulumaati nuuri ilan bi idzni rabbihim ilaa shiraathil` aziizil hamiid.

"Alif Lam Raa, (this is) the Book which We reveal unto thee in order to remove the humanity from darkness to light with the permission of their Lord into the path of God the Almighty, the Praised."
(Qs 14 Ibraahim 1)

Innaa nahnu nazzalnadz dzikra lahuu la wa innaa haafizhuun

"Verily We have revealed the Qur` an and We also maintain it. "(Surat Al-Hijr 15 9)

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Fifth Question

Where is Jesus or God's command to worship on Sunday?

This question might be a bit odd and even considered trivial or play alone. And this is one of the serious questions that need to be considered, need to be considered, and need to be questioned, because it involves a ritual that is continuously or continue to do and diamalkan by almost all Christians in the world.

Perform the ritual of worship must continuously without arguments or command of God, is worship in vain. In fact what is done it will be asked God confronted accountability. Therefore it is natural if we tirtjau back, what are we doing so far really have a proposition or a strong foundation of our holy book, or does it only come from ordinary Inanusia orders or opinions of religious leaders, and then requires its followers to do so.

If something like that happens, then followed by his followers, then that means that we follow the teachings of man, not the teachings of God. For example, worship or go church on Sunday, there was no one in the Bible that tell dalilpun worship or make Sunday as a day that must be maintained, purified or sanctified. Therefore, for anyone who could provide proof that the Scriptures say that there is a command from God for the sanctified, purify or make a day of rest, then we provide a cash prize of Rp. 10,000,000. (Ten million) if there is a theorem in the Bible.

Actually, if you actually follow the word of God in the Bible, then the day of worship it is the Sabbath (Saturday) is not Sunday! This Day (Sabbath) is there any basis in the Bible, even the order to preserve, maintain and mengkuduskannya, obviously it is written in the Bible itself. Moreover, the write command to be God sanctified the Sabbath day itself, which has fetched the above two tables of stone.

Even the two tablets of stone written with the finger of God Himself, then He Himself gave to Moses to be conveyed and taught to his people. Consider the verse frman God in the Bible as follows:

"Then Moses turned, and down from the mountain with two tablets of the law of God in his hands, tablets inscribed on both sides who, on the one side-contiguous. The two tables that is God's work and the writing is the writing of God, ditukik on tablets of it. "(Ke132 :15-16)

It is ironic at all, it turns out God's commandment to keep, maintain and sanctified the Sabbath, was violated and also no longer adhered to by virtually all Christians in the world, except a small sect of Adventists.

And if we read in the Bible, it turns out there is really terrible threat, namely the threat of the death penalty for those who do not maintain and which violate the sanctity of the Sabbath. Let us refer to the threat of God for those who do not maintain and mengkususkan Sabbath.

"Lord said to Moses:" Say to the person Israel , Thus: But the days of my Sabbaths ye shall keep, because that's the warning between me and you, down through the generations, so that you know that I am the Lord, who sanctifies you. Ye shall keep the Sabbath, because it is holy for you; anyone who violated the sanctity of the Sabbath must be put to death, because every person who did the work on that day, that person shall be cut off from among his people. "(Ke131 :12-14 )

Even more interesting is, it turns out Jesus' life was never sanctified Sunday. All his life he always sanctified the Sabbath day and every teaching is always on the Sabbath. Jesus never advocated one single time for Sunday worship or sanctified. Once again if there are arguments in the Bible Jesus or God told sanctified Sunday, we provide a prize of Rp. 10,000,000. (Ten million) to anyone who can provide proof for this.

Notice what Jesus holy day in the Bible, Saturday or Sunday?

Luke 4:16 He came to Nazareth, where he grew up, and according to his custom on the Sabbath (Saturday) he went into the synagogue, and stood up to read from the Bible.

Mark 1:21 They arrived at Capernaum. After the Sabbath began, he immediately went into the synagogue and taught.

Mark 6:2 In the day Sabbath He began teaching in the synagogue and the congregation that 'great astonishment when they heard him and said: "From where obtained his things? Hikmat what pulakah given to him? And the miracles that so how can held by his hands?

Luke 4:16 He (Jesus) came to Nazareth, where he grew up, and according to his custom on the Sabbath He entered the synagogue and stood up to read from the Al books.

Luke 4:31 And Jesus went into Capernaum, a city of Galilee, and teaching them on the sabbath days.

Luke 6:6 On another Sabbath, Jesus went into the synagogue and taught. There was a man who died of his right hand.

Luke 13:10 And Jesus was teaching in one of the synagogues on the Sabbath.

There are many verses where Jesus lainn-ya keep the Sabbath day and sanctified, but from 7 (seven) verse alone, has more than enough to give us that real buktibukti according to the Bible, the day he was told to in ibadati, maintained, and sanctified is a Sabbath (Saturday), not Sunday!

Jesus still maintain and sanctified the Sabbath, because he believes that what God set to apply the eternal, not may be canceled by it. He is very confident with the promise of God for the keeping the sabbath.

Let us ponder the promise of God for the nurture and sanctified the Sabbath.

"If you do not trample on the law of the Sabbath and not do business on my holy day; if you mention the Sabbath" a delight ", and God's holy day" glorious days "; if you honor it by not running all your show and with no take care of your business or say nonsense, then you will have fun because of the Lord, and I will make you cross the top of the hills in the world with a victory vehicles; I will feed thee with the heritage of Jacob thy father: for the mouth of God is who said it. "(Isaiah 58:13-14)

Are not these verses gives evidence that there is no single command in the Bible go geieja sanctified Sunday or Sunday. Even Jesus' lifetime only worship on the Sabbath (Saturday) instead of Sunday. Sunday turned out to be sanctified because of his religious opinion leaders that day Jesus rose from the grave

Now what about Sunday? Is there any command or guarantee blessing for those who are sanctified Sunday?

God does not stop working on Sundays.

God and Jesus never blessed Sunday.

There is no law which made keeping Sunday.

Jesus never blessed Sunday.

Sunday was never sanctified by God and Jesus.

No offense, if work on Sundays.

No one ayatpun in the Bible that prohibits work on Sunday.

There is no blessing promised to those who keep Sunday.

Sunday was never mentioned in the Bible as a day of worship for Christians.

Never on Sunday called the day of worship.

Jesus never mentioned on Sunday.

The word "Sunday" does not even appear in the Bible, except the "first week that week," but not "On Sunday" and only once mentioned that in Acts 20:7, and even then only at night meetings, namely Saturday night.

The prophet and the former was never keeping Sunday.

There is no verse in the Bible about the changes so the Sunday Sabbath.

God and Jesus never said that there were two Sabbaths that are sanctified in a week, ie Saturday and Sunday.

None of the commands in the Bible who sent celebrate "the day of resurrection" of Jesus as a substitute for the Sabbath.

God never said that "the day of resurrection" of Jesus to be sanctified as the Sabbath.

All his life, Jesus only worship on the Sabbath

No one nabipun in the Bible who never menvuruh sanctified Sunday.

All his life, not even out of the mouth or lips of Jesus on Sunday and others.

20 Based on these reasons, it can be ascertained that there is no one dalilpun sanctified in the Bible for Sunday! It turned out that Sunday was the day he was told by pengemuka Christianity only because it was considered important because Jesus rose on Sunday.Though no one dalilpun told in the Bible it is sanctified Sunday and there was no promise of God or the blessings that God promises to those who maintain and which sanctified Sunday, no! Indeed, there is a threat to God for those who do not maintain and are not sanctified the Sabbath (Saturday).

Sometimes there are some Christians who say, if the Sabbath to be sanctified, why Muslims do not participate sanctified the Sabbath day?

The answer is because we Muslims have a separate day as a day who are commanded to worship on that day. And it is there any basis in the Qur'an, namely on 62 Qs Al Jumu `ah verse 9:

Yaa ayyuhal ladziina aamanuu idzaa nuudiya lish shalaati miy yaumil jumu'ati fas'au wa ilaa dzikrillaahi dzarul bai'a dzaalikum khirul lakum in bud ta `lamuun

"O ye who believe, when called to prayer on Friday, then let you hasten to the remembrance of Allah and leave the buying and selling. So it is better for you if ye but knew."

Saturday or Sabbath there are arguments in the Bible. On Friday there is the argument in the Koran. On Sunday, where their argument?

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Sixth Question

Arguments in the Bible where Jesus 100% God and 100% human?

This question is a question that we need to question to Christians, because almost in every event discusi or debate, the reasons most often used by them is when in destitute circumstances, namely that Jesus was 100% God and 100% human.

Reasons like that is out, because if such a reason that is still being maintained, it is up to at any time will not solve the problem. Or in other words like that used actual reason for menutupnutupi weakness only the Bible itself. In fact reason like that at all do not have arguments in the Bible. This means that no one dalilpun was written in the Bible that "Jesus was 100% God and 100% human". If anyone can provide written arguments in the Bible like that, we provide a prize of Rp. 10,000,000 .- (ten million) for just this one question.

Generally, the pastor or missionary, or other Christians often respond by raising the argument of John chapter 1 verse 1 & 14.

"In the beginning was the Word and the Word was together with God and the Word was God." (John 1:1).

"The Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, and we have seen his glory, glory be to Him as the only begotten from the Father, full of grace and truth. (John 1:14)

This paragraph makes a reference that Jesus was 100% God and 100% of humans, it is difficult acceptable reason. So for it to be more easily understood dicomotlah first part of the opening of the Bible that is on the law of Moses, is the Book of Genesis 1 and Genesis chapter 1 chapter 1 verse 26, which reads as follows:

"In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth." (Genesis 1:1)

"Then God said" Let us make man in our image and likeness of us: that their dominion over the fish in the sea and the birds in the air and over the livestock and over all the earth and over all creeping things that creep on earth. "(Genesis 1 : 26).

From the sound of the verse Genesis 1:26, there are the words "Let us make man in the image and the image we .....' What is meant by the word "We," according to Christian interpretation, it is a hidden form of the word Trinity before Jesus came into the world in the New Testament. So the word "We" that contain meaning: God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit, or with other terms are known the Father, the Word and Holy Spirit.

FATHER's = God = Allah (first person) WORD that = Jesus = Son of God (second person) and Holy Spirit = God also was (third-person).

Early chapters of Genesis 1:1 reads "In the beginning God ..:.' Beginning of John chapter 1:1 reads "In the beginning was the Word" and in the early chapters of Genesis 1:26 reads "Let us make man in the image and the image we ....."

Of the three propositions is (John 1:1 and 14, and Genesis 1:1 and 26) the missionaries interpret John 1:1 which reads "In the beginning was the Word ..." in harmony with Genesis 1:1 which reads "In the beginning God ..." So according to them the Word was God. What is meant by the word "Word" is Jesus himself. While the Word was high school, then mean Jesus = God. Then in John 1:14 says that "the Word was made flesh" While the man was Jesus. If the Word was Jesus and Jesus was God, then God was made flesh called Jesus.Therefore the meaning of John 1:1 which reads: "In the beginning was the Word, the Word was together with God and the Word was God ... ' Initially there is Jesus who together with God, is God Himself who has become human.

It's hard to be accepted interpretation of these verses, because what is not rational imposed must be rational.

According to the interpretation of the Muslims, the word 'word' ° means "word" or "pen" (kalamullah) which means "word of God." For example, if God wanted to create something, pretty She said (said) "KUN" (be) then so be it. Examples of how the creation of Prophet Isa (Jesus) and Prophet Adam in the Qur'an.

God explained as follows:

Inna matsala iisaa `ka` indallaahi matsali aadama khalaqahuu min turraabin thumma qaala lahuu yakuun kun fa.

"Indeed the ratio (incidence) Jesus with Allah is like (event) Adam. God created Adam from dust, then God said to him," Be "And was." (Surat Aali `Imraan 3 59).

Regarding the Gospel of John chapter 1 verse 1 and 14, in the book The Five Gospels, published by Harper San Francisco, who commented on by Robert W. Funk and Roy W.Hoover, it turns out the verses are not included in the category of sayings of Jesus that seminar.

Gospel recognized in Indonesia there are four of the Gospel of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John.In America around the year 1993, in the town of Sanoma CaIifornia, sponsored by Westar Instituie, gospel seminar by about 76 experts from various circles, such as professors from renowned universities in the world, science experts from Catholic and Protestant theology, scripture scholars, Hebrew linguists etc. all of which there are no Muslims. Gospel of the seminar there five the Gospel of Matthew Mark, Luke, John and the Gospel of Thomas. To fiveGospel called "The Five Gospels" seminar in order to classify the words of Jesus. Hence the cover of The Gospels are written Fiue What Did Jesus Really Say? The Search For The Authentic Words of Jesus. (What did Jesus really say? Looking for authentic sayings of Jesus).

In the book The Five Gospels, all words or the words of Jesus, printed in color. There the agreed four-color, namely red (RED), pink (PINK), gray (GRAY) and black bolt (BLACK).

There three options (choices) that was agreed to determine the degree of truth of the word / words of Jesus, namely:

Option 1

** Red: I would include this item unequivocally in the database for determining WHO Jesus was.

** Pink: I would include this item with reservations (or modifications) in the database.

** Gray: I would not include this item in the database, but I Might make use of Some of the content in determining WHO Jesus was.

** Black: I would not include this item in the primary database.

Option 2

** Red: Jesus undoubtedly said this or something very like it.

** Pink: Jesus probably said something like this.

** Gray: Jesus did not say this, but Theys ideas contained in it are close to his own.

** Black: Jesus did not say this, it represents the perspective or content of a later or different tradtion.

Option 3

** Red: That `s Jesus!

** Pink: Sure sounds like Jesus. ** Gray: Well, maybe.

** Black: There `s been Some mistake.

From this seminar, it was the Gospel of John chapter 1 verse 1 & 14 is considered to be categorized or who diseminar out, because the verses are regarded not the word or words of Jesus. The verse is saying John alone! And the verse is not included in the category RED, PINK, GRAY & BLACK.

The final results of the research in a seminar conducted by 76 experts from various backgrounds, states as follows:

"Eighty-two percent of the words ascribed to Jesus in the Gospels were the resource persons Actually not spoken by uterus, According to the Jesus Seminar."

"Eighty-two percent of the words ascribed to Jesus in the Gospels, it is not actually spoken by him, according to the Jesus Seminar."

Statement 76 (seventy-six) of experts from various backgrounds from around the world in a seminar about Jesus, it was surprising the world, especially among the Christians, because if 82% (eighty two percent) content of the Gospels are not really spoken by Jesus, meaning only 18% ( eighteen percent) considered the contents of the Gospel sayings of Jesus.Apparently John 1:1 & 14 which became the reference that Jesus was 100% God and 100% of humans, according to 76 experts, not the words of Jesus, but the only opinion that's the gospel writer, John. Though the Jesus Seminar is perseta, none of the Muslims, and none came from Indonesia.

More ironically, of all the seminar Gospels, the Gospel of John including a nearly 100% is considered not the words of Jesus.

The results were surprising, from 4 (four) categories, no one ayatpun in the entire Gospel of John is printed letters Red. Pink letters are only 1 (one), Grey letters there are only 4 (four) paragraph only, the rest black.

Special Details Gospel of John as follows: 
RED: (That is Jesus!), Not one verse printed in red, means no one is considered ayatpun really saying of Jesus. 
PINK: (Sure sounds like Jesus), there is only one verse is John 4:43. 
GRAY: (Well, maybe), there are only 4 (four) verses only, namely in John 12 verse 24, 25, 26 and John 13 verse 20. 
BLACK: (Jesus did not say this There's been Some mistake!) The rest is not ucaan Jesus! 
Just imagine, the Gospel of John consists of 21 chapters, 878 verses and 19,099 words. If there is no RED, PINK only 1 paragraph, GRAY 4 paragraph, means the remaining BLACK (not the words of Jesus) there are 873 verses. 
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Seventh Question 
Where's the proof for the origin believe in Jesus as Lord and Savior guaranteed "would go to heaven" 
Christians generally dared to make sure something y • ang or not is not necessarily inevitable.They assumed origin believe in Jesus as Lord and Savior, on the guarantee "would go to heaven". And make sure someone go to heaven, it's not our human rights or authority, it is only right to Allah Most High. only. If there are Muslims told them the word "God willing", often protested, saying "do Insha Allah Insha Allah-dong, which certainly aja dong!" They do not understand that saying Insha Allah is something that is recommended in the Holy Koran and the Bible. But most Christians do not understand that in the Bible actually say Insha Allah encouraged to say something that is not necessarily occur. Even to say, God willing, if not utter something that has not been happening, he's quite arrogant, and even sinful. 
Note the Bible verses as follows: 
"So now, O ye who said:" Today or tomorrow we leave for city such and such, and in therewe'll stay a year and to trade and make a profit ", while you do not know what will happen tomorrow. What is your life? Your life is like a vapor that briefly appear and then disappear. Actually you should say:" If the Lord wills, we shall live and beruat this and that. "But now you boast in congkakmu, and all such grandeur is saIah. So if one knows how he should do good, but it not, to him it is sin." (James 4:13-17) 
"He excused himself and said:" I will return unto you, if Allah wills. "Then he bertolaklah of Ephesus." (Acts 18:21) 
"But I will soon come to you, if the Lord wills. Then I will know, not about the words of people who are arrogant, but on their strength. (1 Cor 4:19). 
The words in every paragraph paragraph tersbut namely "If the Lord wills" and "If Allah wills" and "If God wills", all the same meaning in the Qur'an is called "God willing." 
In the Bible the old mold, words "If the Lord wills" everything is written clearly with the word "Inshallah" 
Note the old Bible printed in 1960 as follows: 
"O you who say:" Whereas today or besoknja-so let us go into the land as well as chronic there, and trade and make a profit "; on what has happened to him you do not know who will become besoknja. Bahaimanakah your life is it? Because you're only a vapor, which only the ever visible at once, then disappear. Rather fitting you said: "God willing, we will live to make this or that". But with this same way you boast yourselves with djemawanmu it, then all the splendor of such evil. Therefore, If Those who know do good, no he did it on about him, then became dosalah for him. 
"Instead she asked herself she said:" God willing, I will return unto you. "(Acts 18:21) 
"But God willing I will come to you with segeranja, and I will know not what they are saying that the ...... ff. (1 Kor4: 19). 
In the Koran, God willing, the word is a liability if we do not know anything that might happen.Notice the verses of the Koran as follows: 
Fa lammaa dakhaluu 'alaa wa vuusufa aawaa ilaihi abawaihi qaalad khuluu Mishra insyaa-allaahu aaminiin 
"So when they go to see Joseph, Joseph's mother brought her father to her place and said," Go ye into the land of Egypt, God willing, in a safe condition. "(Surat 12 Joseph 99) 
Qaala satajidunii in syaa-allaahu shaabiraw wa laa a `Shii amraa laka. 
"Moses said," God willing you will find I'm a patient man and I do not deny your command. "(Surat Al-Kahf 18 69) 
Balagha lammaa fa ma `sa` yes qaala Ahus yaa bunayya innii araa fil manaami annii adzbahuka fanzhur maadzaa taraa qaala abatif yaa maa tu `al` sa maru-allaahu tajidunii insvaa shaabiriin minas. 
"And when child reaches age to work with him, Ibrahim said," My son, I saw in the dream that I will sacrifice. So think about what do you think? "He said," O my father, do what is commanded thee: God willing you will find me among those who wait. "(Qs 37Ash Shaaffaat 102) 
Apparently from the statement of the Bible should not be m.engatakan "SURE" to something that is not necessarily occur. Ensuring guaranteed "Must go to heaven" when believing in Jesus as Lord and Savior, is arrogant and sinful deeds. If only the origin of trust in Jesus, all Muslims believe in the Yasus called the Prophet Isa. Imperfect faith of a Muslim if you do not believe in all prophets, including Prophet Jesus. Even believe in all prophets including Prophet Isa (Jesus), is one of the Five Pillars of Faith which should be in the pious by every Muslim wherever they are. Only Muslims believe he was just a prophet or a messenger, not God! 
In the view of the Christian community, from believing in Jesus as Lord and Savior then secured surely go to heaven. But according to the Islamic view, it is 180 degrees opposite, in fact if you believe in Jesus as God, then there he can not be saved, because it has made ​​other gods besides Allah. And it's called the sin of shirk, which is one sin that is not forgiven by God. 
In the gospels, Jesus says that salvation depends on how we practice the commandments of God. Note the words of Jesus as follows: 
"Not every person who shouted to me: Lord, Lord will enter into the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of my Father in heaven." (Matt. 7:21) 
Based on these words of Jesus, we can conclude that not every person who cried out Jesus, Jesus, who will enter heaven, but He said to those who perform in accordance with the commandments of God. Of course the question, whether Christian community has done in accordance with instructions of Jesus and the commandments of God? Let us see some examples as proof: 
1. God forbid Pig 
"Similarly, wild boar, because it was hoofed beiah, namely her nails long pauses, but does not ruminate; unclean unto you. Binaiang Meat-eating beast, and their carcasses ye shall not touch you jartganlah; unclean unto you. (Leviticus 11:7 - 8) 
God forbid pork. In fact they are not forbidden pigs, even pigs so their favorite food. iustru which forbade Muslims pigs instead? 
2.Yesus circumcision 
"And when even eight days and he should be circumcised, he was given the name of Jesus, the name called by the angel before He was conceived of his mother." (Lk 2:21) 
Jesus' circumcision, but the priests are not enjoined circumcision. Precisely who are circumcised are Muslims. Well if they follow the commandments of God? Indeed the people of Islam who follow orders are circumcised! 
3. Jesus died was not wearing shrouded coffin 
"Joseph bought a linen, then he lowered the body of Jesus from the cross and mengapaninya with linen it. Then he laid him in the grave dug in the rock t buki. Then the overthrow of a stone to the door of the tomb." (Mar 15:46) 
Jesus died shrouded, do not use crates. Are Christians who confess Jesus' followers when they die shrouded with white cloth and buried not use crate? Apparently when they die, life jackets, shoes, ties. The best clothes, dressed like a bride, and then inserted into the chest, when Jesus died simply shrouded with white cloth and not use the crate. This means they do not follow the example of how the death of Jesus. Indeed, following the death of Jesus, is a Muslim. Even in Islam, the grave is not necessary dibeton like building a house, just put a stone over the grave as a sign. Above the tomb of Jesus is also placed a stone, as a sign, and in Islam disunahkan put a stone over the grave. 
Actually there are ample evidence that the ummah Kristini not follow the command of Jesus and God. From some verses which we describe as an example of it, enough to provide evidence that the assurance of salvation was not only the origin is guaranteed to be believers in Jesus go to heaven, but how to practice the teachings of Jesus and the Lord Jesus is Allah Most High. 
Once checked throughout the Bible, it turns out there is not one that guarantees the origin ayatpun believe in Jesus as Lord and Savior "is guaranteed to be to go to heaven." Therefore, if there are Christians who can show you the verse which says that the origin of believing in Jesus as Lord and Savior "is guaranteed to be go to heaven", we provide a cash prize of Rp. 10,000,000 .- (ten million rupiah) to one question Just this. 
God guarantees go to heaven for those who truly believe in and devoted to Him, to those who obey Allah and His Messenger. 
Tilka huduudullahi May yuthi wa wa `illaaha rasuulahuu yudkhilhu jannaatin tajrii min tahtihal anhaaru khaalidiina fiihaa wa dzaalikal fauzul 'adheem. 
"And whoso obey Allah and His Messenger, Allah will admit them into Gardens with rivers flowing beneath, to dwell therein, and that's great glory." (Surat An Nisaa 4 `13) 
The verse explains that the guarantee into heaven by God, to those who obey Allah and His messenger. How can it be guaranteed to go to heaven, if only the origin of trust, but did not practice and do not obey the command of Allah and His Messenger? The proof is how many verses in the Bible, which does not diamalkan and not be obeyed by Christians. Therefore salvation is how we obey Allah and His Messenger and His practice is ordered. 
How the disobedient to Allah and His Messenger and violating His laws and regulations, are they guaranteed would go to heaven??. Note the next verse: 
May ya'shillaaha wa wa wa yata `Adda rasuulahuu huduudahuu yudkhilhu naaran khaalidan fiihaa lahuu wa` adzaabum muhiin. 
"And if any disobedience to Allah and His Messenger and violate its limits (laws) of Allah, Allah will put them in hell, eternal in it and for her humiliating punishment." (Surat An Nisaa 4 `14) 
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Eighth Question 
Where's the proof for Jesus' birth on December 25 and the command celebrate! 
History of Christmas 
Chritmas is defined as the birthday of Jesus, celebrated by almost all Christians in the world, derived from the teachings of the Roman Catholic Church. Though these teachings are not in the Bible and Jesus, has never commanded his disciples to menyelenggarakannya. 
The celebration which enter into the teaching of the Roman Catholic Church in the fourth century, the society originated from pagan rituals. Christmas celebrations are held around the world have absolutely no basis from the Bible. 
According to the explanation in the Catholic Encyclopedia 1911 edition, entitled "Christmas", found the words to read as follows: 
"Christmas was not Among the Earliest festivals of the church, the first evidence of the Feast is from Egypt . Pagan custom centering around the January calends gravitated to Christmas. "
"Christmas is not the first church ceremony, but he is believed to have originated from Egypt. The celebration which was held by the pagans & fell in January this, then used as the birthday of Jesus." 
Still in Encyclopedi was also under the title "Christmas Day" father of the first Catholic to admit that: 
"In the Scnptures, no one is Recorded to have kept a Feast or held a great banquet on his birthday. It is only sinners (like Pharaoh and Herold) WHO make great rejoicings over the day in the which They were the resource persons born into the world." 
"In the Scriptures, no one can hold or held a celebration ceremony to celebrate the birthday of Jesus. Only those who disbelieve it (like Pharaoh and Herod) who make whoopee celebrate his birth into this world." 
According to the Encyclopedia Americana Christmas 1944 
"Christmas ... it was According to many authorities, not celebrated in IHE first Centuries of the Christian church, as the Christian usage in gene.ral was to Celebrate the death of remarkable persons rather Than Their birth ..." (The " Communion ", the which is instituted by New Testament Bible authority, is a memorial of the death of Christ.)" A Feast was established in memory of this event (Christ's birth) in the fourth century. In the fifth century the Westem Church ordered it fo be celebrated forever on the day of the old Roman Feast of the birth of Sol, as no perform certain knowledge of the day of Christ's birth existed. 
"According to experts, in the early centuries, Christmas have never celebrated by Christians.In general, Christians have just celebrated the death of prominent persons only, and not once celebrate the birthday of the person. "(" Communion ci "as detailed in the New Testament, is simply to commemorate the death of Jesus Christ.)" Christmas celebrations are considered as the birthday of Jesus, began to be inaugurated in the fourth century AD. In the fifth century, the Western Church ordered the Christians to celebrate the birthday of Jesus, taken from the Roman feast day that celebrated "Birth of the Sun God." For no one who knows the birthday of Jesus. " 
Origin Christmas 
Christmas derived from pagan beliefs yembah opinion adopted by the ancient Babylonians under King Nimrod (grandson of Ham, the son of Prophet Noah). Nimrod is the first to set up towers Babel , Building city Babylonia, Niniweah etc., and the kingdom in the world with living systems, economics and the basics of government. Nimrod was a dissident of the Lord. The number of crimes so many, including her own mother married Semiramis. 
After Nimrod died, his mother who doubles his wife spread the teachings of Nimrod Nimrod that spirit is still alive though his body has died. The existence of Evergreen trees that grow on a tree that has died kavu, interpreted by Semiramis as evidence of new life for Nimrod. To commemorate the birthday of Nimrod each dated December 25, Semiramis parcel hanging on the branches of the tree as a memorial day of the birth of Nimrod. This is the origin of the Christmas Tree. Through the worship of Nimrod, Nimrod finally considered the "Holy Son of Heaven '. From the course of history and change of generation after generation of masakemasa and from one nation to another nation, the worship of idols of Babylon finally was turned into a False Messiah, namely in the form of the god Baal, son Sun God. 
Trust the people who worship the Babylonian to the "Mother and child" (Semiramis and Nimrod reborn), spread from Babylon to the various nations of the world in the manner and form vary according to language in these countries. In the Egyptian deities are named Isis and Osiris. In Asia, Cybele and Deoius. 
In Rome named Fortuna and Jupiter, as well as in other countries such as China, Japan ,Tibet can be found in customary worship of the goddess Madona, long before Jesus was born.
In the 4th century and 5th century AD, when Roman pagan world to receive a new religion called "Christianity", they already have the trust and habits of the cult of goddess Madonna long before Christianity was born. 
Christmas is a ritual derived from ancient Babylon who was then tens of centuries ago, not knowing the true religion, and eventually inherited until now. In Egypt, long before Jesus was born, every year they celebrate the birth of the child goddess Isis (Goddess of the sky), which they believe was born on December 25. 
The disciples of Jesus and the Christians who live in the first century, even though they had never celebrated Christmas as the birthday of Jesus on December 25. In the Bible, can not find even one ayatpun God / Allah and Jesus are commanded to celebrate Christmas, for the celebration each December 25, is a religious celebration Paganis (pagans) are preserved by the Christian. 
Christmas ceremony is derived from the teachings of Nimrod's wife Semiramis, who later in the preserve by the pagans were hereditary until now with a new face called Christian. 
Santa Claus 
Father Christmas or Santa Claus is not the teachings that come from adherents of paganism (pagan) and the Bible. Santa Claus is a creation of a Pastor named "Saint Nicolas" who lived in the fourth century AD. According to the Encyclopedia Britannica, eleventh edition pages 648-649, stated: 
"St. Nicholas, Bishop of Myra, a saint honored by the Greek and Latins on the 6th of December ... a Legend of his surreptitious bestowal bf dowries on the three Daughters of an impoverished citizen ... is said to have originated the old custom of giving present in secret on the Eve of St.. Nicholas (Dec. 6), subsequently Transferred to Christmas day. Hence the association of Christmas with Santa Claus. " 
"St. Nicholas, was a priest at Myra a very respectable glorified by the Greeks and Latin every December 6. The legend dates back to the habit who like to give gifts secretly to three children of poor women. to preserve the old habits are hidden by giving gifts that are incorporated into the night Christmas . Finally terkaitlah between day Christmas and Santa Claus .. 

Santa Teaching Lies 
In manupun religious teachings, all the parents forbid their children to lie. But beforeChristmas , Many parents lie to their children with a story about a Santa who gave giftsChristmas when they sleep. Once their children get up early, inside shoes or socks that hung from their front door, already contain a variety of candies and other gifts. Therefore, Santa Claus is a lie made ​​by demons disguised as humans. 
"It's no wonder, for Satan himself masquerades as an angel of light. So not an odd thing, if his servants masquerade as servants of righteousness. Sequel they will be worth their deeds." (2 Cor 11:14-15 ) 
Tree Light 
Tree or Christmas Tree Light, absolutely never encouraged by God and Jesus to hold or celebrate. That's all adopted from the teachings of pagan religions (ancient pagan). The tree itself is called the term "Mistleto" which is usually used in the celebration of the summer, as a sacred offering to the sun. 
According to Frederick J. Haskins in his book Answers to Questions mentioned: 
"The use of Christmas wreaths is believed by outhorities to be traceable to the pagan customs of decorating buildings and places of worship at the Feast the which stores place at the Same times as Christmas. The Christmas tree is from Egypt , And its origins date from a period long anterior to the Christian Era. " 
"Ornaments are worn at ceremonies Christmas is the heritage of indigenous pagan religions (paganism) that decorate their homes and places of worship which coincides with the night time Christmas now. While the tree Christmas Ancient Egypt comes from the habit of a long time before the birth of Christianity. " 
It is truly amazing and at the same concern, that most Christians do not understand and do not realize about the history celebration Christmas and the Tree of Light. 
They were so enthusiastic about the arrival day menambut Christmas , Even far away days before they had prepared with such a huge cost in welcoming the birth of their Lord. While celebrating Christmas Tree Light with absolutely no basis or the arguments in their own holy book. The Pastor and Pastor in the world and even the Bishop and the Pope, when asked about Christmas and the Tree of Light, will surely admit that there are no arguments and teachings in the Bible that Jesus was born on December 25th and no one ayatpun written in the Bible (Bible) that ordered to celebrate. 
Word Biblical / Bible about Christmas Trees 
"Thus saith the Lord:" Do not familiarize yourself with the behavior of nations step, do not be afraid of the signs in the sky, even if nations tremble against him. For a respected nations adaIah futility. Is not the idol was felled trees from the forest people, who worked with the carpenter's chisel by hand? People memperindahnya with gold and silver; of strengthening it with nails and hammers, so do not shake. The idol was just like the puppets in the garden of cucumbers, unable to speak, one must answer it, because unable to walk. Do not be afraid of him, because the idol was not to do evil, and can not do any good. "There's nothing like thee, O Lord! Thou great and by thy name great courage." (Jeremiah 10:2-6) 
Bible verses that clearly say that the Tree of Light is a pagan ritual that can not speak, can not do evil and can not also do good. But why is still worshiped by most Christians? And he said, because they do not understand the content of scripture, and just went along with what their religious leaders said. They do not realize that actually they are not a faithful follower of Jesus. Followers of Jesus (Isa), which is actually the Islamic ummah! 
Glorifying Jesus Is Christmas? 
"So be careful, lest you get snares and follow them, after they were destroyed from before thee, and lest you inquire asked about their gods, saying: How did these nations worship their gods? I also want to apply it. Thou shalt not do so unto the Lord thy God: for every abomination to the Lord, what is hated by Him, that's what they done unto their gods, even his children male and female children were burned them with fire to their gods. (32) Everything that I command you you shall Iakukan with the faithful, do not menambahinya nor decrease. "(Deuteronomy 12:30-32) 
"These people honor me with their lips, but their heart is far from me. Useless they worship Me, teaching while they are teaching is the human command." (Matthew 19:8-9) 
"Useless they worship Me, teaching while they teach is an order! Ah man. You ignore God's command to hold on to human customs." (Mark 7: 7-8) 
Celebrating Christmas = Sustaining Lies and Waste 
Christmas Eve will appear various advertisements in shops, newspapers, magazines etc..Millions of dollars and billions of dollars spent for the promotion of a variety of merchandise for Christmas. Everything is packaged in such a way that looks like "Angel of Light Bearer", but without them realizing they telantarkan teachings of Jesus, because they celebrate the tradition of the ancient pagan religion, not God or Jesus' command 
"Not every person who shouted to me: Lord, Lord will enter into the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of my Father in heaven. On the last day Many will say to me: Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and cast out demons in Your name, and held many wonders in Your name, too? At that time I will be honest to them and said: I never knew you: Depart from me, ye evil maker! " (Matthew 7:21-23) 
"It's useless to me they worship. While they are teaching is teaching human command. You ignore God's command to hold on to human customs." (Mark 7: 7-8) 
"Seeing that the disciples and said angrily:" Why this waste? Because the oil can be sold with expensive and the money can be given to poor people. "(Matthew 26:8-9) 
Of historical explanation Christmas This, it is clear that Christmas it is not the teachings of Jesus. 
Jesus his life, never even told celebrate Christmas for himself. Celebrating himself as a prophet or apostle course he never taught, much less celebrate his birth as a God sent! No one dalilpun in the Bible states Jesus was born December 25. The priest, Father even the Pope in Rome, also admitted that Christmas not the teachings of the church. Therefore, if there are Christians or anyone who can show proof for this in the Bible Jesus was born on December 25th, we also provide a cash prize of Rp. 10,000,000 .- (ten million rupiah) for one of these questions as well. 
In the Islamic view, is unlawful if the bandwagon to celebrate Christmas . Let alone the Muslims, for Christians basically did not have one dalilpun celebrate Christmas . Muslims who celebrate the Birthday of Prophet Muhammad PBUH. and even then there is no Quran and sunnah, let alone celebrate Christmas . Celebrating Christmas together just celebrated "the birth of the Lord," but in view of Islam, God is not born, nor will be born. 
If Christians celebrate Christmas only Jesus as a prophet or apostle or a Messenger of God, it could still be understood. But Christians celebrate Christmas, not as the birthday of Jesus as a prophet, apostle or messenger of God, but as the birthday of Jesus as "Son of God''or" Son of God. " 
Is unlawful according to Islamic views as based on the Koran, Jesus was not God and God does not have kids. 
Badii `us samaawaati wal rdhi annaa yakuunu lahuu waladuw wa wa lam takul lahuu shaahibatuw khalaqa kulla syaiiw wa Huwa bi kulli syai-in 'aliim. 
"(He), creator of heaven and earth, how can He have children when He has no wife. He created all things, and He knows seala something." (Surat Al Maa-Idah 6 101) 
Even in another verse Allah revealed to His Messenger Muhammad peace be upon him, that if he had children the truth, then people will worship the first child is His messenger is Mohammed. 
"Say," If the Most Gracious had a son, then I am the one who first worship him, "(Surat Az Zuhkruf 43 89). 
Even in another verse Allah warned them (Jews and Nashara) that is not true he has a child! 
Qaalut takhadzallaahu waladan subhaanahuu huwal ghaniyyu lahuu-maa fis samaawaati wa maa fil Ardhi in `indakum min sulthaanim bi haadzaa a taquuluuna 'alallaahi maa laa ta` lamuun. 
"They (Jews and Nashari) said," God has a son. "Glory be to God, He is the Rich, for him nothing in the heavens and on earth, there is no reason for you about that. Did you say against Allah what you do not know? " 
Qul huwallaahu ahad, Allahush shamad, Lam yalid yuulad wa lam, Wa lam Yakul Iahuu kufuwan ahad. 
"Say," He is Allah, the mighty God. God's place to ask. He did not give birth and not (pula.) begotten, and none equal to Him ". (112 Al lkhlash Qs 1-4) 
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Ninth Question 
Prove who memorized the Bible even though one letter Just outside the head! 
Never happens when in an event of Islam & Christianity Debate in one building in Jakarta , When entering the question and answer event, a ahwat ask one question to the reverend Doctor of Theology titled as follows: 
AHWAT: "Reverend Sir, in this world there are many people who memorized the Koran outside the head. Is there anyone who memorized the Bible out of his head?" 
Reverend: "In this world there can not be the Bible memorized by rote. Sejenius orarig whatever it is, maybe he could not memorized the Bible by heart, because the Bible is a book that is very thick, so it's hard to memorized. In contrast to Al Qur 'an. Holy Qur'an is a book that is very thin, so easily memorized. " 
Answer pastor is too short, irrational, and very humbled even harassing AI Koran. 
In answer to pack the Reverend just like that, out of curiosity, we move forward, seize the existing mikropone difangan ahwat, and continuing questions ahwat earlier. (Sorry here we use a substitute name HILS) 
HILS: "Sorry sir priest, did you say that Al-Qur'an is a book that is very thin, so easily memorized outside the head. But Mr. Pastor, the thin-thin Qur'an, there are approximately 500 s / d 600 pages, so just much too you know!! But the reality in this world there are millions of people who memorized the Koran outside the head. Even though many young children who memorized the outside of the head, even if it means not yet understood. Now I ask Mr. Pastor, the Bible is composed of 66 books is not it? If Mr. Pastor memorized one letter Just outside the head (1 / 66 only), all those present here to be a witness, I'll go back to convert to Christianity again! Come please pack Pastor! " 
I hear such challenges, the situation became tense, maybe the audience that Muslims worry, lest any one pastor who actually memorized one letter Just in the Bible. If there is memorized, it means I have to Stay on my promise that Christians must go back. Because the minister still, I throw it to the Christian audience of the church or behind. 
HILS: "Come on you guys are behind, if any of you who memorized one letter Just beyond the head of this Bible, this time all become witnesses, I will go back into Christianity again, please! " 
Still in tense situations, and indeed I would not know there may have been memorized, although one letter Just outside the head, that challenge me robah and lower back. At that time there is some pastor who attended as a speaker and as a moderator. They were age varies, there are about 40, 50 and 60 years. At the very tense, I lower my challenge to the lowest point, where all the audience in attendance, both Christian and Islamic parties increasingly strained and possible heart sports. 
HILS: "Sorry sir priest, andakan aged about 40, 50 and 60 years is not it? If there is among the pack of the Reverend who memorized just ALTERNATING BACK ONE SHEET of this Bible verse, provided that PAS POINT coma, now all of a witness, I'm back in religion Christian again!! Please sir! " 
The tension that the first has not yet recovered, by hearing a challenge I like it, the situation was getting tense, particularly on the part of friends who are Muslim. Maybe they thought I was crazy, over acting, too bold, ripe to challenge the pastor who nearly averages titled Doctor hapalan only one sheet of Bible verses only. The atmosphere was very quiet, no one lifted his voice, perhaps anxious, lest anyone really memorized Bible verses one sheet only. Because the priests silence, I finally threw again to the church or a Christian audience. 
HILS: "Let anyone among you who memorized only one copy of this Bible verse, alternating points of origin fit coma, now I come back to Christianity. Let's please move forward!" 
Apparently no one who came forward of his many pastor and Christian audiences. Finally one of his pastor spoke as follows: 
Reverend: "Mr. Insan, frankly, we the Christians are not accustomed to memorize. What is important for us to practice it." 
HILS: "This Bible right language Indonesia , Read directly understandable! Cook decades and had become a Christian pastor, a sheet was not terhapal? Why? And he said, because the Bible is not pure revelation of God, so hard memorized because it contains no miracle!Differences with the Qur'an. In this world there are millions of people remember them out of my head, even a child could remember them much beyond the head of the entire contents of the Qur'an that hundreds of pages. Though the language is not our language Indonesia . But why is easily memorized? Because of this Qur'an truly God's revelation, so it contains the miracle of God, so are permitted to memorized. Problem to amalkannya, we Muslims are also trying to practice the teachings of the Qur'an. I believe that if the gentlemen really practice the contents of the content of the Bible, then the only solution must convert to Islam. Other evidence that the Qur'an is the revelation of God, in case of Saudi Arabia held the week Tilawatil Qur'an, then the whole world to access the broadcast, we Muslims can follow it, even to assess whether true or false readings. And when following the broadcast of the event, no need to find the book of the Koran printed in 2000 or 2005. Any Qur'an what year it is taken, must be the same. Unlike the Bible. If there Tilawatil weekend event broadcast live from the American gospel, then the whole world to access it, the book which became a reference for the follow and assessed whether or not this? Equally different English only version, so it's impossible if there are Christians can do Tilawatil week's Gospel, because it is different from one another. "

Praise from our disclaimer like that get a warm welcome and applause from the audience as Muslim. Therefore we are serious about providing a cash prize of Rp. 10,000,000. (Ten million rupiah) for anyone who can Christians memorized Bible verses though only one sheet back and forth on the fitting point of coma. For those who want to try it, we feel free to contact us if anyone could memorize outside the head, without having to make any mistakes.

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Ten Questions

Quiz Prizes Luke's Gospel 1 (one) BMW sedan

This question seems like just kidding, but we make sure that this question is really true and 100% serious. -His car was really there, not fictional, so it can be seen at any time. Tadipun first ten questions were all serious, not kidding, that we provide to each of the questions we answer in cash amounting to Rp. 10,000,000 .- (ten million rupiah) for those who can answer every question. So 10 (ten) first question was, if all the answers, the total prize is 10 X 10 million = Rp. 100,000,000 .- (one hundred million rupiah).

The question is very easy, just answered based on the verses of the Bible itself, because Jesus himself who said, and convinced that what he says is written in the many books that he mentioned in the Bible itself. If you can answer 100% means the Bible is the word of God and you are entitled to hadihnya ie 1 (one) BMW sedan

Before we provide and also the question before you answer it, it's good to report that the name of prophecy must be fulfilled, otherwise it is not true prophecy aka lie. Herewith, we give some examples of the fulfillment of a prophecy that really happened, such as:

Prophecies in the Old Testament:

"When Israel young, loved him, and of Egypt I called my son's. (Hosea 11:1).

Fulfillment in the New Testament

"So Joseph got up, took the young Child and His mother by night, then fled to Egypt, and stayed there until Herod died. That it might be fulfilled which was spoken of the Lord by the prophet:" Out of Egypt I called my son. "( Matthew 2:14-15.)

Prophecies in the Old Testament

"I want to tell you about the ordinances of the Lord, He said to me:" My child you are! You have Kuperanak her on this day. "(Psalm 2: 7)

Fulfillment in the New Testament

"So Christ did not glorify Himself to become High Priest, however glorified by Him who said to him:" You are my Son! You have Kuperanakkan today. "(Hebrews 5:5)

Prophecies in the Old Testament

"Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because the Lord has anointed me: he has sent me to deliver good news to the people miserable, and treating people the brokenhearted, to memberitaan exemption to those prisoners, and to those who confined deliverance from prison. " (Isaiah 61:1)

Fulfillment in the New Testament

"Spirit of the Lord is upon me, therefore he has anointed me, to convey good news to poor people, and He has sent me to proclaim release to the captives, and sight for the blind, to liberate people who are oppressed, to proclaim the year of grace the Lord has come. " (Luke 4:18-19)

Now all these verses prove that what God prophesied in the Old Testament, it really happened or fulfilled in the New Testament. If it does not happen or not fulfilled, then it is not a prophecy of God, because God can not be mistaken or wrong.

For that we ask questions with prizes of 1 (one) BMW sedan if anyone can prove what Jesus said about the prophecy about him contained in Luke 24:44-46 as follows:

44. He said to them: "This is my words, which I have said to you when I was still together with you, that must be fulfilled everything written about me in the Torah of Moses and the Prophets and the Psalms."

45. Then he opened their minds so that they understand the Scriptures.

46. His words to rnereka: Thus it is written: "The Christ will suffer and rise from the dead on the third day"

The question is:

Where evidence of what Jesus who said that it is written thus: "The Christ will suffer and rise from the dead on the third day" in the law of Moses, the Prophets and the Book of Psalms

Note: there are 5 books of Moses, Book of the Prophet Prophet there are 33 books and the Book of Psalms is a book, so the number 39 book. Or in other words, Jesus' words are written in all the Old Testament, because the number of books of the Old Testament book of all there are 39.

Sentence: "The Christ will suffer and rise from the dead on the third day" in the body of 46, according to verse 44 has been written in the Torah, Prophets and the Book of Psalms.According to paragraph 45, for those who do not know the meaning does not understand the Bible.

Apparently all biblical scholars do not know where the verse in the Torah of Moses, the Prophets and the Book of Psalms. Christian Party berapologi that the concept of the Messiah who suffered indeed found in the Old Testament, but not in the form of text as written in Luke 24:46.

It seems they are less clever to defend it, because they do not compare with:

I. Matthew 12:16-20

16. He rebuked them tell who he was,

17. might be fulfilled which was spoken by the prophet Isaiah:

18. "Here is my servant whom I have chosen, my beloved, to Him who guts my pleasure, I will put my spirit upon Him, and He shall proclaim the law of nations.

19. He will not strive, nor shout, and people will not hear his voice in the streets.

20. A broken reed will not be decided limp, and the axis that will not fade dipadamkannya flame, until he had made the law won.

The sound of verses Matthew 12:18-20 can be found in Isaiah 42:1-4, which reads:

1. See, that I was holding my servant, my chosen people, to whom I am well pleased. I have put my Spirit upon him, so he declared the law to the nations.

2. He will not shout or menyaringkan vote or make itself heard in the street.

3. A broken reed will not be decided limp, and the axis that will not fade dipadamkannya flame, but with the faithful he will declare the law.

4. He himself will not fade and will not be broken slumped, until he enforce the law on earth; all expect island teaching.

II. Matthew 13:14-15

14. In them is fulfilled the prophecy of Isaiah which says: You will hear and hear, but do not understand, you will indeed see but not perceive.

15. This people's heart has thickened, and heavy ears to hear, and his eyes have closed, lest they see with their eyes and hear with ears and understand with their heart, then turned around so that I should heal them.

These verses can be found in Isaiah 6:9-10, which reads:

9. Then his words: "Go, and tell this people: Hear seriously, but understand: do not! Look seriously, but perceive: do not!

10. Make this people's heart hard and make a serious ear to hear and make his eyes have closed. lest they see with their eyes and hear with ears and understand with their heart. then turn around and be healed "

III. Matthew 1.3:: 3 5

"To be fulfilled which was spoken by the prophet:" I want to open my mouth to say parables, I will utter things hidden since the foundation of the world. "

Matthew verse text can be found in Psalm 78:2 which reads:

"I want to open my mouth to say proverbs, I will utter riddles from

antiquity. "

IV. Luke 3:4-6 reads:

4. As is written in the prophecies of Isaiah: There Vang voice crying in the field desert: 'Prepare the way of the Lord, luruskanlah the way for Him.

5. Every valley will be backfilled and every mountain and hill will be flattened, the maze will be straightened, which will be flattened squiggly,

6. and everyone will see salvation from God. "

The sound of the verses of Luke above can be found in Isaiah 40:3-5 the following:

3. There voice of one crying: "Prepare the field desert road to God, luruskanlah in fieldwilderness a highway for our God!

4. Every valley shall be closed, and every mountain and hill leveled, the land is hilly land must be flat, and land squiggly become plain;

5. the glory of God will be revealed and all mankind shall see it together; indeed, God himself has spoken. "

And what about Luke 24:4446 which he says in the Torah, the Prophets and the Psalms were written:

"The Christ will suffer and rise from the dead on the third day"

Let's just say this is a contest which prizes the BMW car. So for anyone and from any religious group can answer that based on the Bible, please contact us any time at (021) 70984849, HP 0815.8787.627 or HP. 081.654.25227. Gifts can be taken at any time by bringing proof of the proposition of the Bible from the Book of Jesus to 39 crews. If you can not prove it means what Jesus said it is not true alias fictitious.

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