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metal core

like metal core riffs but can't think of your own? I'm here to help with some of that. Hope this comes in handy!
What you need:
1) Your guitar in drop D (DADGBe)or C (CGCFAD).
2) Know how to palm mute with a thick accent.
3) Know how to alternate pick.
4) And A LOT of distortion! I use a Washburn Bad Dog with the settings
    f  h  f  f        f = full (10)  h = half (5)

Get into a palm mute with a thick accent, all open and strum the first three (or two) strings.

[-0-]]  <- this means repeat

Keep repeating until your used to doing a palm mute, thickly.
Now try this to get used to leaving and returning to thick palm mutes.

Got that down? Keep doing it until you KNOW you've got it!
Now try alternate picking the palm mute.
^ !      ^ = strum down
[-----]]   ! = strum up
  x x

As soon as you get that down play it faster. After that play this.

    x   x x x x   x x x x

And/or this.

      x   x  x x x

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